2nd UNESCO IOC Global Tsunami Symposium
11–14 November 2024 Banda Aceh, Indonesia
Poster Registration

Scientist, Students, practitioners, NDO, Government, Community, Public, are welcomed to register the poster session. The Poster Session will be held on 10–12 November 2024.

The participant who had been accepted for the poster session have to print the poster by theirself.

Topics of the Poster
Review of the Tsunami Warning and Mitigation Systems over the past 2 decades
Tsunami generated by non-seismic and complex sources
Tsunami Hazard and Risk Assessment
Tsunami Detection, Warning, Dissemination, and Response
Achieving 100% Communities at Risk to be Prepared for and Resilient to tsunami by 2030
Social and Human perspective in Tsunami Science and Tsunami Early Warning System
Critical infrastructure ready for tsunami: design, implementation, and maintenance
Cascading and compound hazards, systemic risk
Poster Format
Paper Size: A0
Layout: Potrait
Content: Abstract, Background, Data and Methode, Result and Conclusion
Design of the poster is highly recommended to be more visual/graphis with a concise explanation

Event Starts In: